Turku-based researchers from whatever field of study, engaging with music or sound, are invited to Music research, now! 26.1.2024



The 13th annual Music research, now! symposium invites Turku-based researchers from whatever field of study, engaging with music or sound, to present their ongoing research at this event.

The main purpose of the event is to facilitate networking among music researchers from various departments and units at the University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Sibelius Museum, and other educational and cultural institutes in Turku. Especially scholars from such fields as, but not limited to, musicology, music education, cultural history, art and media studies, cultural studies, sociology, philosophy, gender studies, and archive work, are encouraged to actively participate in the event.

The event takes place at Arcanum, Vatselankatu 2, 20500 Turku, on January 26th 2024 at 10.

See more information: Musiikintutkimus, nyt! / Musikforskning, nu! / Music research, now! (utu.fi)